Campus Life » Chartwells Lunch Program

Chartwells Lunch Program

AOD Lunch Program Logo
Food is a big part of everyone’s well-being and Our Lady of Sorrows students need a place to eat where they can connect with others, recharge, and enjoy a sense of happiness in their school. That’s why we serve food kids love to eat and create programs that encourage fun and discovery. Our nutrition services team is passionate about using fresh, nutritious, minimally processed and locally sourced ingredients. We foster a sense of adventure in students through experiential learning activities, designed with healthier students, healthier communities, and a healthier planet in mind. Chartwells is our food service partner, working with The Archdiocese of Detroit. Our goal every day is to make sure that Our Lady of Sorrows students leave the cafeteria happier and healthier than when they came in! To learn more about our food service partner, visit


School Lunch Menu

Full Pay Lunch Price: $4.30
Extra Entrées: $1.50 each
Reduced Lunch Price: $0.40
Milk: One milk is included with each meal ordered
Additional Milk or A la Carte Milk: $0.50 each 
Applications for Free & Reduced meals for the school year 24-25 will be taken after July 1, 2024, at:. Click Apply for Benefits. Follow all of the prompts until you can click the Application link.