The Parent Teacher Guild (PTG) provides opportunities for parents/guardians, students, faculty, and administration to work together for the benefit of Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School. We welcome all enrolled parents/guardians to participate in activities and attend quarterly meetings to share their ideas and talents. 
We communicate committee updates, upcoming events, and opportunities to volunteer via SchoolSpeak and weekly PTG e-blasts, which are available to all enrolled families. 
The PTG proudly partners with the Office of Advancement on the execution of many fundraising events! There is a 25-hour volunteer requirement per family, per year. This is a fun way to get your hours in! 
Book Fair 
The PTG sponsors two book fairs during the school year. There are September and May fairs which are both held during school hours. The book fair promotes literacy, and the students look forward to the new and exciting offerings each year. We are always looking for energetic volunteers who can give as much time as their schedule allows to set-up/clean-up the fair, help the students shop, restock books, help bag items or serve as cashiers. Volunteering at one of the fairs is a fun and rewarding way to get involved, meet the students and other parents.
Caring & Sharing 
This program arranges and provides dinners for OLS Families in need. Volunteers in this committee are those that are willing to make/provide dinners to families as the need arises within the community. Upon a request, the Committee Chair will contact the family in need to find out what, if any, the dietary or time restrictions are for the meals. The Committee Chair will reach out to the volunteers on the list and give them instructions on how to fulfill the specific meal request(s) and create volunteer schedule through Sign Up Genius.
Family Fun Nights 
Family fun events are planned throughout the year for families to come together in fun. These events may include the Halloween Truck or Treat, a night with the Pistons or Tigers, outings to local attractions, etc. 
This committee provides refreshments for school events that are approved by the PTG within the scope of the approved budget. The Committee Chair is responsible for the creation of the menu, shopping, set up, serving, cleanup and documenting results of each event. Volunteers on this committee assist in staffing the events (set up / serve / clean up). Most the serving supplies are kept at the Chairperson(s) house during the school year and then may be stored in the school during the summer.
Art Smart 
This art enrichment program is brought right to the classrooms; our volunteers bring each portfolio containing three-five prints of artwork. Included in the portfolio is a folder with a brief history of the artists and their pieces of art. Volunteers schedule the presentations which ensure that every child in every grade has an opportunity to view the artwork. The intent is to introduce the children to various artists’ works and help the children discover and become aware of their own interpretations of what they see and how the artwork makes them feel. It is an excellent opportunity to encourage creative thought processes and allow the students to explore why an artist created artwork in the way they did.
Lego League 
The LEGO League is a program built around theme-based Challenges to engage children research, problem solving, coding, and engineering. The foundation of the program emphasizes teamwork, discovery, and innovation. Volunteers coordinate teams for this fun, educational Lego competition.
Performing Arts 
Under the lead of a Director, 5th-8th graders audition for the yearly musical. Weekly rehearsals, theatre games and instruction are held through the fall and winter. Tentative show planned either in person or virtual.
New Family Welcome 
This Committee sends out a welcome to all new families in August and sponsors two welcome gatherings in September and December. Volunteers are secured to help deliver welcome gifts, welcome donations, and set up/serve/tear down help for the event. In addition, this committee pairs up new families with mentor families to serve as a guide to help navigate during New Families’ first year.
Reward Programs 
This committee will work to promote and stay up to date with the various reward programs that Our Lady of Sorrows participates in- including Box Tops, SCRIPS Gift Cards, Kroger Community Rewards, Busch’s Cash for Education, and Rite Aid RXfundraising. Learn more about Community Partnership.
Secret Santa 
Secret Santa is an in-school holiday shopping experience for children. The shop is set up and operated entirely by parent volunteers. Children purchase holiday gifts for family & friends in the safety and security of their own school. The gift options include a variety of homemade crafts, ornaments, baked goods as well as a nice selection of items from Fun Service Inc.
Teacher & Staff Appreciation 
This committee provides special meals and gifts to our teachers and staff. Committee Chairs decide on a schedule of events for the year in coordination with the Principal. Recent events and gifts include lunches, breakfasts, conference snack bars, CSW flowers, birthday cards, gift certificates for books, etc. This committee also provides a $250 stipend to each teacher to help offset cost of classroom supplies.  Many volunteers are needed to make this committee a success. We need volunteers who can take responsibility to coordinate a lunch/breakfast. Other volunteers will be contacted to help staff meals (set up/serve/tear down), provide donation of food & beverages, etc.
Used Uniform 
The Chair will help coordinate the Used Uniform sale both virtually as well as in person as appropriate. Volunteers collect used uniforms that are dropped off at office, manage inventory, post items for sale, take orders, drop off purchased items and collect money that goes back to the PTG to fund programs for students.
Walking Club 
Walking club encourages our kids to keep moving by walking during recess in the spring. Children are provided punch cards and receive bracelet charms for each card completed. The Chairperson of Walking Club determines when walking club starts/ends and what days will be “walking days”. It usually begins in April and operates 2 days a week during all lunch periods. They order foot tokens and silver chains and make copies of mile marker cards. In addition, they organize volunteers to help run the program safely (usually takes 6/lunch period…4 at the corners of the family center and 2-hole punchers).
Yearbook committee attends school events and takes pictures (with the help of many volunteer parents). Coordinates volunteer schedules, to ensure events are covered, then collect the pictures from these volunteers. Through the assistance of LifeTouch company, the committee organizes the layout of the Yearbook by creating templates. They submit yearbook pages on predetermined deadlines set with the LifeTouch representative.
Ice Cream Social 
This committee organizes the Ice Cream Social for the end of May. Ice Cream Social volunteers are needed to secure ice cream and toppings as well as decorations and assist in the set up/serve/tear down of the event.
Field Day
Many Field Day volunteers will be needed to plan, coordinate, set up and staff the many field day activities. Field Day is scheduled on a day in June.