Clubs and Activities

Our Lady of Sorrows School and Parish offers a variety of clubs and enrichment opportunities to appeal to every child.  Take part in these before and after school programs and develop life-long friendships while having fun!
Contact Person
Altar Servers
Fr. Derik Peterman
Mr. Ben Jozwiak
Bell Choir
Dr. Noriko Kasahara-Ernst
Chess Club
Mr. Chris DeWitt
Children’s Choir
Dr. Noriko Kasahara-Ernst
Clash of the Titles
Christian Service Outreach
Mr. Ryan Arndt
CYO Athletics
Mrs. Mary  Sheltrown
Drama Club
Geography Bee
Miss Theresa Caravello
Green Team
Mrs. Emily Maroun
Lego League Jr.
National Jr. Honor Society
Mrs. Karla Smith
Quiz Bowl
Scouting Programs
Contact the Office
Spelling Bee
Mrs. Andrea Allen
Student Council
Youth Choir
Dr. Noriko Kasahara-Ernst